The Journey – 242.2 Miles:
The A2B Journey officially entered the 1.6 million acre Mojave National Preserve.  The next 60 mile part of the Journey will pass by/through/across locations such as the Cima Dome, the Shadow Valley forests, the ghost town of Kelso, etc.  Today’s post card moment was passing by the parks entrance sign alongside Kelbaker Road

The Run:
“Hot and humid!” would be an accurate description of today’s run.  Because of lingering tightness, I gave some extra stretch time to my IT Bands, especially on my left leg.  I should have given more time to stretching my quads, but I was eager to get my Mizuno’s moving!

In the middle of my run, I had some accidental fun when I scared a group of “much-older-than-me” women out for their morning walk.  Because the group took up most of the sidewalk, I moved off of the sidewalk and into the street as I came up from behind them to pass by.  It seems that they were so engrossed in their conversation that no one heard or noticed my approach.  As I passed, one startled woman screamed causing a small chain reaction of hollering and shouts, followed by a short quiet pause, ending with laughter.  I turned around to apologize for inadvertently causing alarm.  After chatting and laughing briefly, they told me to go ahead and get back to running so they “could see what [I] looked like from behind.”  Feeling a little awkward, I quietly resumed my run.

The sidewalk remained pretty clear for the rest of my run. . . . Thank goodness.

The Mind:
Getting ready for a road trip to visit my parents for the July 4th holiday and then put kids on a plane.  So my mind was busy with checklists.  Everything from bills that need paying before leaving to making sure my kids get properly packed.  I had a pretty good plan put together by the time I had my run-in with the senior ladies.

I do not recall what I thought about after that.  Everything was a blur.