The Journey – 234.2 Miles:
Today’s run pushed another 5 miles forward on the A2B Journey! The route is currently running parallel with the Marble Mountains to the east. This charcoal gray wilderness is a popular area for collecting trilobite fossils.

The Run:
I received a reminder of one of the Heat Wave Running Rules of Thumb: the later you sleep in, the hotter the run by a seemingly logarithmic factor.  I slept in. And it was HOT!!!  And it got much hotter while out!  Thank goodness I have a small cache of water bottles in the freezer!!  And really thank goodness that, to me, ‘sleeping in’ means 8:00 am (as opposed to 10:00 or 11:00).

Because of the increasing temps, I somewhat shortcut my pre-run stretch.  Understanding the risks, I took the first mile very easy allowing my legs to warm and loosen up.  Feeling really good throughout the rest of the run, I increased the pace quite a bit in the second mile.  Once done, I made sure to take time to do a proper cool down and post run stretch.

Other than a being very hot, it was a fun run.  Sidewalks on Saturday mornings are usually a little busier, but also friendlier.

The Mind:
My thoughts on the run were about everything that has happened this month along with this weekend’s activities.  I am taking my two youngest kids zip lining and kayaking today at the U.S. National Whitewater Center.

A few years ago, I made a decision that my time with my children would be about making memories when / where possible. So for summers and vacations, I plan and save up for activities that we can do together.  Today’s trip to the Whitewater Center will be the last big activity for us this summer.

The rest of our time this weekend will be all about shopping and getting ready to visit grandparents.

June has been a very busy month.  My daughter’s high school graduation, a very memorable cross country trip with the same daughter, vacation in New York City with my two youngest children and cousin, a family reunion with all four of my children, theatre camp for my youngest son, and finally today’s outdoor adventure.  What a great birthday month I have had!!