Quick Blog Entry today so we can continue our vacation.

The Run:
Another fun run through Central Park in New York this morning.  The weather was perfect.  Since it is Saturday, the run through the streets was less crowded.  However, there were many more people in the park.  Most were in groups. So today, most of the weaving around occurred in the park, instead of the streets.

Looking forward to tomorrows long run in the city before returning home to North Carolina.

The Mind:
While running, I thought about the Broadway show that we saw last night.  I loved it!  My second time seeing Newsies.  Anyone who knows me knows that I love music!  Especially when applied to the theatre.

I thought about my children’s reaction to the show.  I thought about how much my other two children would have liked the show.

The Journey – 183.7 Miles:
Another few miles down the A2B Road.  Another few miles of Mojave Desert scenery.