The Journey – 381.5 Miles:
Today’s leg of the A2B Journey continued through North Las Vegas.  The first part of the virtual run led through a couple of very nice parks, specifically Aloha Shores Park and Doc Romeo Park.  The next few miles ran due east directly towards the North Las Vegas Airport, before skirting around to neighborhoods just north of the airport!

The Run:
I ran my easy 4-mile route today. The first 1 ¼ miles are a slow downhill grade.  Then, there is a ¾ mile uphill climb.  This is the only uphill part of the course. The rest of the route is relatively flat.

I like this course because it lets me enjoy a little bit of mindless running.  In other words, once my pace is set, I can generally set my body on auto-pilot where I do not have to think so much about the run. I am then free to enjoy the scenery or focus more fully on some other train of thought.

This morning, it was more about enjoying the weather and the emerging fall colored landscapes.  Beautiful morning!

The Mind:
The signs of Fall are everywhere!  Cooler temperatures welcome me when I step out for my morning runs.  The trees where I live are hinting red and orange. Local parks, schools, and churches are setting up for Fall Festivals.

Fall and Spring are my favorite seasons for scenic running. There generally seems to be more activity in the local community. Each day offers news scenes on ever-shifting landscapes: the changing colors of Fall or the budding greenery in Spring.  It is during these times when the world seems most alive.

As I ran, I thought about the life renewing cycle of seasons.  How the trees in the Fall prepare their roots for winter.  Then, as a result, their leaves fade brilliantly before falling back to earth. The leaves return to soil during the dormant winter. They then provide essential nutrients as the trees re-awaken and bring new life in the Spring.  What an amazing process!

I am thankful that I am at a point in my life and running where I can see it, recognize it, and appreciated the wonder of it!

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