The Run:
I went for one last long run in Central Park this morning before heading back to North Carolina. The weather was cool and perfect.  I shared part of the run with a 10K road race in the park celebrating Portugal Day.  It was a nice easy run.

The Mind:
Being Father’s Day, I thought a lot about my children. If love for one’s children were the single measure of fatherhood, then I am certain that I would take top prize.  I absolutely love them. And I am proud of them.  I look at them and I am always amazed.  It sometimes surprises me how four children from the same set of genes could be so different from one another. But that is one of the things that I love about them. They each add their own wonderful flavors to our family.  I love each ones unique set of strengths.  I have loved learning to try and see the world through their eyes.  If I could have one wish as a father, I would wish that for one day each of my kids could see his/her self through my eyes.  They would see just how wonderful they are.  They would see all of the gifts and potential that each one possesses.  They would be in awe of their own selves, as I honestly am.

On this Father’s Day, I am one happy and grateful Daddy!  I love my children always. I love being their Dad!!

The Journey – 183.7 Miles:
On track to hit 200 miles this week on the A2B Virtual Route!  An if todays run had actually occurred in the Mojave Desert, it would have required lots of water and SPF. The weather would have been sunny and approaching 90 degrees (Fahrenheit).