The Journey – 371.5 Miles:
Today’s run on the A2B Journey offered some beautiful sites of architecture set against a mountain back drop. On one side of the road I passed by the 70 acre Red Rocks Casino Resort and Spa. On the other side of the road was the two striking residential towers of One Queensridge Place.

The Run:
I ran another one of my newly mapped routes, a little 4-miler.  This one is straight out and back, mostly on a main road.  There was a lot more traffic on this road than I had anticipated, especially at intersections. I had to stop quite a few times to let the traffic pass through.

The next time I run this route, I think I will try some side streets.  It may add a little extra mileage, but will be worth it if it allows for a more continuous run.

The only other issue on this run had more to do with perception.  It seemed that the two miles back was longer than the two miles out.  Thank goodness it wasn’t uphill both ways.

The Mind:
I spent most of the run thinking about my job.  There are lots of challenges there, currently. A few weeks ago, I learned of some new, unexpected work coming in the door. Looking ahead for the next couple of months, it appears that there is more work than time available to do it.  Moreover, there was a small organizational shift recently.  This change has no real impact other than potentially throwing an interesting twist in my career plan and personal goals.

As far as the workload is concerned, the only thing to do is to roll up my sleeves, lean in, and just work through it.

The organizational change is what it is.  In fact, to most people it is less than significant.  However, I am more motivated than ever before to move forward toward my objectives.  So I began the process of pondering adjustments, opportunities, and timing to make sure that I can continue pressing forward with minimal distraction.

By the end of my short run, I had a few items that I need to research and prepare for possible next steps.  I also had a couple of “wait & see” watch items.

No “Ahaa!” moments (or any of the flashes of brilliance to which I am normally prone).  But today’s run provided some small first steps while a revised plan begins to simmer.

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