Leg 63 – Olympic Inspiration

Refining my music playlists to help drive my current training. . . . Inspired by Olympic greatness . . . . Vision, persistence, faith, and work = winning!

Leg 31 – Approaching 95

Running into the wind! The necessity of speed intervals to reach the next time goal! . . . . Thoughts about work and vacation vie for consideration. . . . The desert view!

Leg 29 – Authors and Actors

Early morning runs in 70 degrees with 85% humidity! Common thoughts on success and personal achievement. . . . . willful, deliberate acts . . . . Timeliness and gratitude.

Leg 006 – The Sprinkler Advantage

Springtime is when automated sprinkler systems come to life . . . . The 700 Mile Retirement Party . . . . Work!!

Also, the LA Dodgers and wicker bike baskets.

Leg 005 – Respect and Mastery

Short run this morning, born mainly of necessity . . . . my Blue M&M t-shirt or my Perry the Platypus t-shirt generates a good deal of chatter! When I was much younger, I could just pick up and run with little or no preparation. . . . Not so much anymore.

There is a fine line between respect and mastery. . . .