The Journey – 386.0 Miles:
This leg of the A2B Route crested the top of the loop around Las Vegas. The route descended on the east side of the North Las Vegas airport until stopping and cooling down in front of Charles West Middle School.

For me, the big highlight of this part of the A2B Journey was that I got to “run by” my cousin Amy’s house.  Amy and her family were kind enough to take time out of their busy schedules to give me a high fives and hand me a bottle of water as I passed by.  Running by was a fun reminder of the growing-up years in Chattanooga, Tennessee!

The Run:
Heavy thunderstorms throughout the day threatened the evening run with the running club. I enjoy running with this group and on this particular course, which is very challenging. So, I was excited when the rain stopped about 30 minutes before the regular meeting time.

As we started our run, I noticed that, while the evening was nice and cool, it was also extremely humid.  The heaviness of the air turned out to be the most challenging part of the run.  This was one of the few times when I was looking to the sky wishing it would rain!  It would have taken the edge off of the humidity.

In spite of the unusual weather, it was a good run! I enjoyed the final uphill run in the last half-mile. And I was happy with my time!

The Mind:
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
-Mark Twain

The second most important day in my life (using the Mark Twain standard) came while visiting New York City in November of 2011. In a quiet but profound moment, I knew with certainty who and what I have to be. And from that moment, I started to take action.  Nothing loud, huge, or drastic.  Just small, resolute steps.

Based upon the vision that I have, I created a series of goals.  Then, without knowing how I would reach even the first set of goals, I began.  Not allowing myself to get overwhelmed, I started by focusing on several tasks that were within my capability and means.  Among these first steps are the A2B Run and this blog.

In one of my first A2B blog entries, I wrote the following.

“I do not know how my dreams will be realized. But I believe them.  So, each day, I get busy with action.  With Doing.   My motivation is in the hope that the combination of faith and work, of belief and action, will create and reveal the path that leads me there.”

When I wrote that, I made the unconscious assumption that, with the love and encouragement of others, I would be the one to create the ‘path to my dreams.’  After all, it is my faith and my work that are the single foundational requirement.  And, generally speaking, that has been true . . . . until recently.

Ashamedly, I underestimated the belief and actions of others.

In recent weeks, the next parts of my path have been created by others. Their belief and efforts have greatly opened the way to the next leg of this journey of mine.  I never asked. They just did. Now, as I consider this, I am almost stunned with humility, gratitude, and love.

This puts a whole new spin on one of my favorite song lyrics that says, “I have something to believe in Now that I know you believed in me.”  In other words, realizing that others believe in me enough to help create, strengthens and reinforces my own belief.  Interestingly, it then reciprocates back in increased measure.

I still cannot see exactly how I will reach the destinations that I desire.  The map is still incomplete. But I continue moving forward. And now, I can see  a new stretch of road ahead.  There is a tremendous amount of work waiting. And I am excited!!  Mostly because I enjoy this work!  But also because I know that working toward the next milestone will actually prepare and create the way for that next part of my journey!

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